Reorganisation Board
Terms of Reference
1. Purpose
The Board is responsible for formulating, co-ordinating and managing the Council’s engagement with Surrey Local Government Reorganisation and devolution proposals.
2. Objectives
- Provide decision making framework for the Council’s response to local government reform and devolution programme (“the LGR”)
- Agree the overall objectives, priorities and projects for the LGR, and in particular for the period February – March 2025, April – May 2025 [ or April – September 2025 ] and make recommendations to Corporate Policy and Resources Committee and the Council as appropriate
- Liaise with Surrey County Council and Surrey Borough and District Councils as required
- Monitor spend against initial Reorganisation Budget (initial budget £500,000)
- Consider any new opportunities presented and seek sign off through Corporate Policy and Resources Committee and the Council as appropriate
- Identify and prioritise resources to the workstreams associated with the LGR and re-align as necessary
- Support strategic workforce planning and put in place an effective communications and engagement strategy to keep staff and members informed and to improve change confidence
3. Board Members
Members of the Reorganisation Board will include:
- Cross party representation
- Programme Manager
- Programme Sponsor
- Monitoring Officer
Key officer support from all departments may be invited as required. Officers
4. Review
The terms of reference and membership of the Reorganisation Board will be reviewed as required to align with the LGR progress.
5. Meetings
The Board will meet once a week on a [ Friday before / after Surrey chiefs and leaders weekly meeting ].
Agenda and papers (if any) will be circulated as soon as possible in advance of the meeting. Minutes and actions will be circulated within [ 2 ] working days after the meeting.
A standing agenda will include:
- Minutes of the previous meeting
- Milestones and new actions
- Forward Plan for the LGR
6. Roles and responsibilities
Chair – to be elected by the Board councillors at the first meeting
- Ensure all agenda items are covered effectively and all views are actively considered
- Uphold LGR governance
Programme manager (Terry Collier and Lee O’Neil)
- Track progress and monitor the delivery plan for the LGR
- Develop and maintain risk register
- Manage risks and issues across the projects comprised within the LGR and escalate to the Board as necessary
Programme sponsor (Daniel Mouawad)
- Overall responsibility for achieving the objectives and the overall success of the LGR
- Step in to help resolve issues or concerns which have been escalated to the Board
- Encourage and facilitate collaboration and partnership working amongst the Board members by providing strategic direction and positive leadership
Board members
- Review papers, attend and contribute at meetings
- Promote the LGR and wider change agenda to internal / external stakeholders